Science has shown, the process to become who a person becomes in adulthood has already been laid out before birth. A child’s first five years of life are shaped by their mother’s mental health, which means those years play a huge role in helping people become who they are and the ideas they have about who they are and the people around them ( even strangers). When a woman becomes pregnant, everything she feels and experiences in life is also felt by her unborn child. Any messages or feeling experienced by the mother seeps into the subconscious of the unborn to lay out the groundwork of what people understand of themselves as they grow up – eventually forming the people they become.
Some people experienced positive feelings and messages during the formative years while others experienced negative emotions and messages which eventually create self limiting beliefs. These beliefs are not always true but your brain and subconscious accepts them as fact. For example, lets say you were rarely invited to birthday parties when you were younger, this could have formed an imprint making you think you weren’t a good person or that you don't do well in social situations. When your subconscious has formed a belief, it will defend it tooth and nail regardless of the evidence that contradicts it.
This session begins with a regression to childhood, illuminating unresourceful imprints and self limiting beliefs, we then reconnect with the inner child providing support and guidance to release and reshape energetic blockages.