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What is Shadow work ?

 Shadow work is a process that encourages self-awareness and growth.  This deeply intensive work focuses on uncovering hidden parts of the self, or “shadows,” which usually include repressed emotions, memories or beliefs. The process begins by truthfully exploring all of the erroneous and unhelpful programming that is sitting in the subconscious mind.  While in a comfortable state of hypnosis participants are afforded the opportunity to confront these often difficult parts of the subconscious allowing for greater understanding of the self and creating an opportunity to live a more authentic and empowered life.  

Why is Shadow work beneficial?

This course is designed to bring participants to a place of understanding their internal blocks and triggers, so that they can be released and the natural progression of growth and evolution can begin. Shadow work is a must if one desires to bring unconscious thoughts and emotions into conscious awareness, so that they can learn to fully accept and love all parts of the self, even the dark sides. Participants will develop greater self-awareness and clarity open up new possibilities for growth and evolution.  

Who should do Shadow work?

Shadow work is a process of  personal exploration and growth that can be beneficial for anyone who is looking to gain a better understanding of themselves and their motivations. Shadow work is particularly helpful for those looking to gain insight into the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors hidden deep within the subconscious in order to make positive changes in their lives. This type of work can be especially beneficial for those who are struggling with issues such as low self-esteem, unhealthy relationships, or difficulty making decisions. Ultimately, anyone who is looking to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationships with the world around them can benefit from doing shadow work.

Shadow work an integral part of the journey towards self awareness. True self awareness is marked by the ability to recognize and understand your emotions, thoughts, motivations, and behavior.  To do this one must fully understand their strengths, weaknesses and self limiting beliefs which allows for a greater understanding of how your actions and reactions affect the people and world around you. This  powerful hypnosis course has been designed to help clients develop their self awareness so that they can make better decisions, manage stress, and improve their relationships.

What will I  learn:

 A quick google search will turn up many websites offering  this work through journaling or other means, which can be helpful as an adjunct in this process however true shadow work can only be done in the subconscious mind.    The subconscious is always working in the background, helping us to make decisions and take actions.  To do this, the subconscious utilizes our storehouse of memories, beliefs, habits, and emotions some of which can be attributed to the unknown dark side of the personality.  This dark side or "shadow"  can only truly be acknowledged, accepted, and integrated, through working in the subconscious storehouse.  Shadow work is a valuable tool for self-exploration and growth, and this hypnosis course has been specially designed to encourage participants to become aware of their own shadows and work to accept and integrate them .

Why use hypnosis for  Shadow work? 

Why should I take classes at Healing Hypnosis Center?

  • Classes are taught by a professional and experienced trainer (NGH Certified Hypnotist) who is actively practicing
  • You have the option of learning from the comfort of your own home, this course is offered in person or virtually through a live Zoom virtual classroom
  • Participants will learn how to use somatic  self hypnosis practices to resolve real-life issues
  • Individualized one on one classes allow for personalized support
  • Participants will receive a free E-book to reinforce themes taught in the class
  • Participants will receive individualized hypnosis recordings for continued support and reinforcement

Register now!

Course is taught in 3 sessions for  $375 (payment plans are available - non refundable deposit is required upon signing up . Click the button below to begin the process of growth and evolution! 

How Do I Sign up and how much will it cost?